[OpenAFS-devel] Windows build problems

Jason Young jason_young@ncsu.edu
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 14:48:00 GMT


I'm having a number of problems just getting out of the
starting blocks to build OpenAFS for Windows.

My environment:  Windows 2000 Professional
                 Visual Studio 6, SP4

Following the README.NT instructions, I:
-) edited NTBuild.bat to reflect the paths
   of Visual Studio and the OpenAFS source
   dist.  I rem'd out the Installshield/Lex/Yacc
   lines because I don't have them and they are
   "Optional" and I don't want to touch any
   comerr files at the moment.

-) copied ..\src\NTMakefile to ..\

-) ran nmake /f NTMakefile install

Problem #1:  There are a bunch of "del" commands trying to
             delete files that don't exist (yet or at all)

Workaround #1:  Ignore failing dels, =

                run nmake /I /f NTMakefile install

Problem #2:  Some NTMakefile along the line is trying to =

             use NTMakefile.version, before src\config\NTMakefile
             gets a chance to copy the -CML or -NOCML version =

             to NTMakefile.version

Workaround #2: run nmake /I /f NTMakefile install in src\config

Problem #3:  lots of compiles, lots of errors and warnings,
             and finally start complaining about include files
             in afs/somefile.h

Workaround #3: start hand-copying missing files to DEST\include\afs
               until I can't find some files.

I know a certain amount of "tweaking" has to go into =

setting up a build environment for a sourced product
- but this is a little crazy, I'd much rather spend
what limited time I have to work with it to looking at
problems in the code rather than dealing with OpenAFS
build-specific NTMakefile esoterics.

a) is this specific to VS 6?  (anybody done a VS6 compile?)
b) has everyone else that has done a successful build
   had to go through this?
c) I know I'm liable to be missing something so simple it's
   not even funny, a byproduct of a real lack of quality =

   time to spend here - pointers?

Jason Young               | ITECS Systems/Software Manager
jason_young@ncsu.edu      | College of Engineering
919.513.4575              | North Carolina State University
 "You can observe a lot just by watchin'." - Yogi Berra