[OpenAFS-devel] Windows build problems

Nuno Miguel Neves nneves@di.fc.ul.pt
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 15:25:09 +0000

I've tried the first patch against VC5, and it worked. Now I have a problem, that the
compile stops because it can't find flex. I haven't done any
change to et_lex.lex.l, but it still asks. Is there any option I am overlooking?


Dave Koziol wrote:
> --On Tuesday, March 6, 2001 2:48 PM +0000 Jason Young
> <jason_young@ncsu.edu> wrote:
> >
> > Problem #1:  There are a bunch of "del" commands trying to
> >              delete files that don't exist (yet or at all)
> >
> > Workaround #1:  Ignore failing dels,
> >                 run nmake /I /f NTMakefile install
> Here is a better solution, from an old email I sent to the list.  This
> patch isn't in CVS because I don't have VC 5 to know if this works, and I
> didn't get any feedback, so I haven't submitted it.  If someone could try
> it on VC 5 that would be great!
> Apparently, under VC 5, if del failed, it didn't halt the build.  The
> problem you are having will happen in lots of places.  I've addressed this
> problem with the following change to ntmakefile.i386_nt40
> *** c:\openafs\src\config\ntmakefile.i386_nt40  Mon Jan 22 03:36:04 2001
> --- c:\afs\openafs\src\config\ntmakefile.i386_nt40      Mon Nov 06 15:49:16 2000
> ***************
> *** 113,119 ****
>   # Command macros.
>   COPY = copy
> ! DEL = -2del
>   MKDIR = mkdir
>   REN = ren
>   ECHO = echo
> --- 113,119 ----
>   # Command macros.
>   COPY = copy
> ! DEL = del
>   MKDIR = mkdir
>   REN = ren
>   ECHO = echo
> I'm not sure if this change is compatible with VC 5, since I don't have
> access to that version, but if someone could let me know, that would be
> great so that we could get something checked in that builds with both
> versions.
> > a) is this specific to VS 6?  (anybody done a VS6 compile?)
> Yes, the version checked in builds with VC 5, not 6.  But I think the above
> change should fixs most of the problems.  The other problem to be aware of
> is with *.et files.  They either need to have unix end of line markers, or
> you need to change the lex script to handle them.  See a post to the list
> in the last 2 days or so.
> There is also a Win2K problem with making logins work correctly.  Here is
> the current work in progress patch for that.   I don't think this is in CVS
> either because there are still some potential security issues with this
> change.
> *** c:\afs\openafs\src\winnt\afsd\smb.c Sat Nov 04 10:01:43 2000
> --- c:\openafs\src\winnt\afsd\smb.c     Fri Jan 19 00:19:48 2001
> ***************
> *** 548,553 ****
> --- 548,569 ----
>           return uidp;
>   }
> + // Allows you to find an smb_user_t record by the name field
> + smb_user_t *smb_FindUserByName(smb_vc_t *vcp, char *name)
> + {
> +       smb_user_t *uidp= NULL;
> +
> +       lock_ObtainWrite(&smb_rctLock);
> +       for(uidp = vcp->usersp; uidp; uidp = uidp->nextp) {
> +               if (stricmp(uidp->name, name) == 0) {
> +                       uidp->refCount++;
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +         }
> +         lock_ReleaseWrite(&smb_rctLock);
> +         return uidp;
> + }
> +
>   void smb_ReleaseUID(smb_user_t *uidp)
>   {
>         smb_user_t *up;
> *** c:\afs\openafs\src\winnt\afsd\smb.h Sat Nov 04 10:01:44 2000
> --- c:\openafs\src\winnt\afsd\smb.h     Fri Jan 19 00:23:40 2001
> ***************
> *** 307,312 ****
> --- 307,314 ----
>   extern smb_user_t *smb_FindUID(smb_vc_t *vcp, unsigned short uid, int
> flags);
> + extern smb_user_t *smb_FindUserByName(smb_vc_t *vcp, char *name);
> +
>   extern void smb_ReleaseUID(smb_user_t *uidp);
>   extern cm_user_t *smb_GetUser(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp);
> *** c:\afs\openafs\src\winnt\afsd\smb3.c        Sat Nov 04 10:01:44 2000
> --- c:\openafs\src\winnt\afsd\smb3.c    Fri Jan 19 14:38:20 2001
> ***************
> *** 132,150 ****
>         pwd = smb_ParseString(tp, &tp);
>         usern = smb_ParseString(tp, &tp);
> !       /* Create a new UID and cm_user_t structure */
> !       userp = cm_NewUser();
> !       lock_ObtainMutex(&vcp->mx);
> !       newUid = vcp->uidCounter++;
> !       lock_ReleaseMutex(&vcp->mx);
> !       /* Create a new smb_user_t structure and connect them up */
> !       uidp = smb_FindUID(vcp, newUid, SMB_FLAG_CREATE);
> !       lock_ObtainMutex(&uidp->mx);
> !       uidp->userp = userp;
> !       uidp->name = strdup(usern);
> !       lock_ReleaseMutex(&uidp->mx);
> !       smb_ReleaseUID(uidp);
>         if (dead_vcp) {
>                 dead_uidp = dead_vcp->usersp;
> --- 132,164 ----
>         pwd = smb_ParseString(tp, &tp);
>         usern = smb_ParseString(tp, &tp);
> !       // On Windows 2000, this function appears to be called more often than
> !       // it is expected to be called. This resulted in multiple smb_user_t
> !       // records existing all for the same user session which results in all
> !       // of the users tokens disappearing.
> !       //
> !       // To avoid this problem, we look for an existing smb_user_t record
> !       // based on the users name, and use that one if we find it.
> !       if (uidp = smb_FindUserByName(vcp, usern)) {
> !               userp = uidp->userp;
> !               newUid = (unsigned short)uidp->userID;  // For some reason these are
> different types!
> !               smb_ReleaseUID(uidp);
> !       }
> !       else {
> !               /* Create a new UID and cm_user_t structure */
> !               userp = cm_NewUser();
> !               lock_ObtainMutex(&vcp->mx);
> !               newUid = vcp->uidCounter++;
> !               lock_ReleaseMutex(&vcp->mx);
> !               /* Create a new smb_user_t structure and connect them up */
> !               uidp = smb_FindUID(vcp, newUid, SMB_FLAG_CREATE);
> !               lock_ObtainMutex(&uidp->mx);
> !               uidp->userp = userp;
> !               uidp->name = strdup(usern);
> !               lock_ReleaseMutex(&uidp->mx);
> !               smb_ReleaseUID(uidp);
> !       }
>         if (dead_vcp) {
>                 dead_uidp = dead_vcp->usersp;
> > b) has everyone else that has done a successful build
> >    had to go through this?
> Yes, I've had everything build, and the client stuff work on Win2K.  Again
> this patch
> Good luck,
> Dave Koziol                    | dkoziol@dragonflymobile.com
> Contract Software Development
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                  nneves@di.fc.ul.pt    Dept. Informatica, Fac. Ciencias,
|\ |    |\ |      Tel: +351 21 7500528  Univ. Lisboa, Bloco C5, Campo Grande
| \|uno | \|eves  Fax: +351 21 7500084  1700 Lisboa, Portugal