[OpenAFS-devel] Win2K

Kenny Thomas kthomas@gfn.org
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 12:01:08 -0500 (EST)

After installing, I can read,add or update files fine. However attempting
to delete a flie causes me to loose all my tokens and I can not even
reestablish my tokens or do anything with afs after the attempt to delete
fails. Ideas ?

On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Dave Bailey wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been building OpenAFS 1.0.3 on Win2K. Finally managed to build it with
> VC6 (against the latest SDK) including the patch to get the client to
> behave. I've also tried the server part and it seems to work too. I've
> noticed a problem with the "fs" command though. I tried mounting a test
> volume with "fs mkmount" which resulted in the client loosing all my tokens
> and hanging - only a restart would cure it. I'm not really familiar with the
> internals here so don't really want to go hacking about in the dark.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on why this would happen? It seems like vos
> behaves itself.
> If anyone wants the bianries, I've got a (very preliminary) install kit
> built with the free Inno Setup compiler instead on Installshield. Just drop
> me a line.
> Cheers,
> 	Dave
>                                               __  _
> David Bailey                              .-.'  `; `-._  __  _
> Bristol University                       (_,         .-:'  `; `-._
> Email: D.Bailey@Bristol.ac.uk          ,'o"(        (_,           )
> Tel:   +44 117 9288714                (__,-'      ,'o"(            )>
> Fax:   +44 117 9255624                   (       (__,-'            )
>                                           `-'._.--._(             )
>                                              |||  |||`-'._.--._.-'
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