[OpenAFS-devel] RX abort packets, and client sitting in "waiting for busy volume" state
Neulinger, Nathan
Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:15:14 -0600
Hmm... I must not be decoding the abort type packet completely. If the =
error code is the 4-byte integer after the Service ID, then it is =
0x0000006E, or 110. I didn't see any mention of that in the rx_packet =
structure though.=20
The trace is tiny if you want it.=20
-- Nathan
Nathan Neulinger EMail: nneul@umr.edu
University of Missouri - Rolla Phone: (573) 341-4841
Computing Services Fax: (573) 341-4216
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ken Hornstein [mailto:kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil]=20
> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 10:08 AM
> To: Neulinger, Nathan
> Cc: openafs-devel@openafs.org
> Subject: Re: [OpenAFS-devel] RX abort packets, and client=20
> sitting in "waiting for busy volume" state=20
> >(I've been doing alot of diagnosis attempting to improve our=20
> AFS cell, that's
> >why the stream of lots of these notes.)
> >
> >We just had a client start to experience continual 'waiting=20
> for busy volume'
> >messages against two volumes on a server that is not very=20
> loaded. I've got
> >a network trace of communications w/ that client+server, and=20
> what's going on
> >is the client is sending two FetchStatus requests (one=20
> against each volume),
> >and the server is sending back a RX abort packet. Nothing=20
> but that over
> >and over again.
> What's the error code from the abort packet? That should=20
> tell you _something_.
> --Ken