[OpenAFS-devel] Compiling and running OpenAFS both optimized and debugged
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 13:39:13 -0500
>>>>> "Nathan" == Nathan Neulinger <Neulinger> writes:
Nathan> You're going to have to change it in several places... the
Nathan> makefiles are not quite yet consistent.
Nathan> I don't remember every place you have to do it. Are you
Nathan> concerned about purely user space code, or kernel module as
Nathan> well?
Primarily use space code, since fileserver and volserver crashes are
what we are most keen to get maximum information for.
My experience suggests that running binaries compiled with both -O and
-g has minimal costs, and that cost is usually nothing more the extra
disk space for the larger binaries, and slightly bigger memory
footprint for the processes. The performance overhead has *usually*
been minimal.
If the same holds true for kernel modules (not my strength), then I'd
prefer to build them for maximum debugging information, too.
If a debug kernel module costs me significantly, performance wise,
then I think I would want to have two builds -- optimized and debug --
and I would configure problematic hosts with the debug version, on a
case by case basis, and default to the optimized release.