[OpenAFS-devel] AFS Server for Windows

Otto-Michael BRAUN omb@ieee.org
Sat, 01 Mar 2003 20:47:15 +0100

At 13:24 01.03.2003 -0600, Nathan Neulinger wrote:
>Are you sure you understand the difference between the AFS servers and

Yes, I have some cells running. And for my personal need there is no reason 
for a win2k AFS server.

>Generally, there's very little reason to run a Windows based
>fileserver if you have linux systems in your shop.

There are some (important) software packets based on win2k server / client 
architecture. I hoped to be able to integrate them by running the win2k 
server with OpenAFS server services on top. Next try will be wine.

>I believe the fileserver on windows hasn't received much attention at
>all in openafs, so will probably require some code work before it will
>be functional again.

You definitely are right.

>You can run the client on windows/mac though without too much trouble.

I will have tolook for the trouble first.

Thank you very much!

Otto-Michael BRAUN