[OpenAFS-devel] Has openafs always been this way?

mmarion@qualcomm.com mmarion@qualcomm.com
Thu, 16 Dec 2004 16:31:55 -0800 (PST)

I just encountered something that I guess I've never noticed before.

I had a directory structure setup with:
gnu64 -> .@sys.gnu64 
which worked fine for some amd64_linux26 hosts running arla.  Testing openafs
1.3.76 today (we need FileServerPrefs to work, which arla doesn't seem to
support yet) and the gnu64 directory didn't work:
rs-workstation qct {982}$ ls -l gnu64
lrwxr-xr-x  1 mmarion root 11 2004-12-16 15:55 gnu64 -> .@sys.gnu64
rs-workstation qct {983}$ file gnu64
gnu64: broken symbolic link to `.@sys.gnu64'
rs-workstation qct {984}$ fs sys
Current sysname is 'amd64_linux26'
rs-workstation qct {985}$ ls -ld .amd64_linux26.gnu64/
drwxrwxrwx  9 root root 2048 2004-09-30 16:21 .amd64_linux26.gnu64/

Changing it around to .gnu64.@sys instead seems to have fixed it.  I thought
perhaps it was a dev version issue, but I logged into an ia64_linux24 host and
it exhibited the same problem on that path, until I changed it.

Has openafs always preferred links to be:
for some reason?

I just tested on an older i386_linux24 host, and the same holds true..
it doesn't like .@sys being first:
schwarzes001 qct {984}$ mkdir .`sys`.foo
schwarzes001 qct {987}$ ln -s .@sys.foo foo
schwarzes001 qct {988}$ file foo
foo: broken symbolic link to .@sys.foo
schwarzes001 qct {990}$ mv .i386_linux24.foo .foo.`sys`
schwarzes001 qct {991}$ rm foo
schwarzes001 qct {992}$ ln -s .foo.@sys foo
schwarzes001 qct {993}$ file foo
foo: symbolic link to .foo.@sys

Mike Marion-Unix SysAdmin/Staff Engineer-http://www.qualcomm.com
Peggy: "12 years old and drinking a beer!?!"
Bobby: "I didn't even like it!"
Hank: "Well now you're just trying to get me mad!" ==> King of the Hill