[OpenAFS-devel] Fully Functional Client on Linux 2.6

Jack Neely jjneely@pams.ncsu.edu
Fri, 2 Jul 2004 16:42:16 -0400

On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 04:06:26PM -0400, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 03:54:22PM -0400, Jack Neely wrote:
> > Indeed I have.  I don't like the solution of including kernel stuff in
> > the src RPMs, although that is probably the best solution out there.
> One other option would be to not include but reference the kernel binary
> RPMs, which could live in a %defined directory somewhere.
> But, actually, I think including them as source files has at least one
> significant advantage -- it's easy to repeat the exact build, without having
> to track down the exact right combination of kernel packages every time.
> And, you basically have to rebuild the OpenAFS rpms whenever there's a new
> kernel update anyway (and there sure have been plenty of those the last few
> days), so there's not much real added overhead.

Right now I'll give that your method is probably the best.  I don't
think its very clean and argued for the kernel-devel package.  But,
*shrug*.  I thought about including it myself, but I was just trying to
get a working set of packages out.

> Also along those lines -- do you see an advantage of having a separate
> openafs-kernel subpackage? Why not just include that in -client?

I found the fedora packaging guidelines to be Good and True.  However,
not even Red Hat/Fedora goes by them.

I use the advantage of being able to install multiple openafs-kernel
packages in parallel for multiple kernels.  I'd rather not have to build
a package for more than just one kernel release...just takes a while to

Otherwise, I get the problem with RHEL/RHN that the currently installed
OpenAFS module and the currently installed kernel can drift.  If the
versions don't match the workstation doesn't work.

> > Here's hoping that something sane comes from Arjan from the discussion
> > we had on fedora-devel.
> Yeah.
> I noticed that you don't seem to have any special patches to deal with the
> crashes on SMP that I've been having. It just works for you? Maybe there's
> something odd on my test machine....

Ummm...seems I haven't actually tested on an SMP box.  :-)  My current
FC2 test machine is a laptop, the SMP test boxes are currently being
build machines for RHEL.

BTW, have you experianced login failures with OpenAFS on FC1 with the
latest couple release kernels?  I'm getting a segfault in the login
process somewhere...can't get anything to tell me what's dieing.  But
AFS/Kerb users can't log in.


> -- 
> Matthew Miller           mattdm@mattdm.org        <http://www.mattdm.org/>
> Boston University Linux      ------>                <http://linux.bu.edu/>

Jack Neely <slack@quackmaster.net>
Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
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