[OpenAFS-devel] Working around cache problems?
Terry Gliedt
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 11:17:36 -0500
chas williams - CONTRACTOR wrote:
> In message <42384295.6070407@umich.edu>,Terry Gliedt writes:
>>We have been trying to live with OpenMosix and OpenAFS (client). It
>>works much of the time, but about once a week one of my users comes and
>>shows me how the AFS cache has been corrupted. Comparing files in some
>>directory does not match files on another non-OpenMosix AFS machine.
> i did follow the threads for a bit a while back but i got sidetracked.
> what version of afs are you running? 1.2 or 1.3? the lastest 1.3 should
> have some fixes related to dentry handled which might help solve some
> of your cache corruption. also, which kernel? smp?
Sorry, I should have included this in the first post:
Kernel: 2.4.27
OpenAFS: 1.3.73
OpenMosix: patch-2.4.27-om-20041102
>>Does anyone have a trick to force AFS to refresh its cache (for a
>>particular directory or even for all files?) The only way I know how to
>>accomplish this is to reboot, stop in single user mode, rm -rf the cache
>> files and let AFS rebuild everything.
> fs flush and fs flushv have cured corruption problems in the past
> on some of our clients.
Thanks for the tip - I was not aware of the flush* subcommands. Here's a
little of what I saw today:
ls -la
/bin/ls: asso.S14Q00246.all.log: Bad address
/bin/ls: asso.S14Q00246.all.lst: Bad address
/bin/ls: chr14markers.txt: Bad address
/bin/ls: geno.summary.txt: Bad address
/bin/ls: global.ind.S14Q00246.all.txt: No such device
/bin/ls: global.S14Q00246.all.txt: No such device
total 103
[ other ls results as usual ]
Flushing a particular file had no effect (the same error as shown above
appears). Flushvolume took a long time, but when it eventually
completed, the ls -la behaved exactly as one would expect.
Thanks for the response!
Terry Gliedt tpg@umich.edu http://www.hps.com/~tpg/
Biostatistics, Univ of Michigan Personal Email: tpg@hps.com