[OpenAFS-devel] Working around cache problems?
chas williams - CONTRACTOR
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 09:54:51 -0500
In message <42384295.6070407@umich.edu>,Terry Gliedt writes:
>We have been trying to live with OpenMosix and OpenAFS (client). It
>works much of the time, but about once a week one of my users comes and
>shows me how the AFS cache has been corrupted. Comparing files in some
>directory does not match files on another non-OpenMosix AFS machine.
i did follow the threads for a bit a while back but i got sidetracked.
what version of afs are you running? 1.2 or 1.3? the lastest 1.3 should
have some fixes related to dentry handled which might help solve some
of your cache corruption. also, which kernel? smp?
>Does anyone have a trick to force AFS to refresh its cache (for a
>particular directory or even for all files?) The only way I know how to
>accomplish this is to reboot, stop in single user mode, rm -rf the cache
> files and let AFS rebuild everything.
fs flush and fs flushv have cured corruption problems in the past
on some of our clients.