[OpenAFS-devel] afsd-1.4.0-rc3 problems

Martin MOKREJŠ mmokrejs@ribosome.natur.cuni.cz
Thu, 22 Sep 2005 19:54:35 +0200

  I have problem to get running a huge cache on an SMP linux box.
The same cache size works fine on non-SMP boxes using same ext2 filesystem.
On the problematic host, I can start using 3.6GB cache, but not 36GB large.
I did not have PREEMPT enabled before, but even with PREEMPT enabled
I have same problem. I use kernel.
Below is rxdebug and cmdebug output, but I cannot interpret it.

Trying (port 7000):
Free packets: 142, packet reclaims: 0, calls: 0, used FDs: 6
not waiting for packets.
1 calls waiting for a thread
0 threads are idle
rx stats: free packets 142, allocs 5, alloc-failures(rcv 0/0,send 0/0,ack 0)
   greedy 0, bogusReads 0 (last from host 0), noPackets 0, noBuffers 0, selects 0, sendSelects 0
   packets read: data 1 ack 45 busy 0 abort 0 ackall 0 challenge 0 response 0 debug 15 params 0 unused 0 unused 0 unused 0 version 0 
   other read counters: data 1, ack 45, dup 0 spurious 0 dally 0
   packets sent: data 1 ack 45 busy 0 abort 0 ackall 0 challenge 0 response 0 debug 0 params 0 unused 0 unused 0 unused 0 version 0 
   other send counters: ack 45, data 2 (not resends), resends 0, pushed 0, acked&ignored 0
        (these should be small) sendFailed 0, fatalErrors 0
   1 server connections, 2 client connections, 3 peer structs, 2 call structs, 0 free call structs
Connection from host, port 7001, Cuid c332c465/cfbf220
  serial 45,  natMTU 1444, security index 0, server conn
    call 0: # 1, state precall, mode: unknown, flags: waiting_for_process receive_done, has_input_packets
    call 1: # 0, state not initialized
    call 2: # 0, state not initialized
    call 3: # 0, state not initialized
Connection from host, port 7003, Cuid b2edd982/960de7f8
  serial 1,  natMTU 1444, security index 2, client conn
  rxkad: level clear
  Received 0 bytes in 0 packets
  Sent 68 bytes in 1 packets
    call 0: # 1, state active, mode: receiving, flags: reader_wait, has_output_packets
    call 1: # 0, state not initialized
    call 2: # 0, state not initialized
    call 3: # 0, state not initialized

Lock afs_xvcache status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xdcache status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xserver status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xvcb status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xbrs status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xcell status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xconn status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xuser status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xvolume status: (none_waiting)
Lock puttofile status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_ftf status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xcbhash status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xaxs status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xinterface status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xosi status: (none_waiting)
Lock afs_xsrvAddr status: (none_waiting)
** Cache entry @ 0xde6d2d64 for 163.536870913.1.1 [phylo.natur.cuni.cz]
    locks: (none_waiting, write_locked(pid:8017 at:54))
    6510615555426900570 bytes   DV 0 refcnt 2
    callback ded81f5c   expires 0
    0 opens     0 writers
    volume root
    states (0x4), read-only

When I started afsd, I got
afsd: Mounting the AFS root on '/afs', flags: 0

and then could wait for ages.

I doesn't seem to matter what afsd flags I used -verbose and -debug were not
much helpfull. How can I gather more information on this to present something
of value for you?

Martin Mokrejs
Email: 'bW9rcmVqc21Acmlib3NvbWUubmF0dXIuY3VuaS5jeg==\n'.decode('base64')
GPG key is at http://www.natur.cuni.cz/~mmokrejs