[OpenAFS-devel] status of src/tests

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz@cmu.edu
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 13:08:50 -0400

On Tuesday, June 26, 2007 05:29:50 PM +0200 Alberto Mancini 
<mancini@math.unifi.it> wrote:

>> Oh, dear.  There's a copy of dumptool in there?  That's probably as
>> out-of-date as the copy of my volume dump utilities, the latest version
>> of  which can be found in /afs/grand.central.org/software/dumpscan.
> Yes but, where is dumptool if not in the tests directory ?
> the path (found in src/tests/README.dumptool)
>    /afs/transarc.com/public/afs-contrib/dumptool/
> is not valid (at least, the cell  transarc.com is not in the
> grand.central.org CellServDB file).
>> It is probably the case that dumptool provides functionality not
>> currently  available from the dumpscan tools and libraries.  I would be
>> glad to accept  patches to correct this situation.
> actually, dumpscan in /afs/grand.central.org/software/dumpscan
> can be compiled (with some work)

I'll be happy to accept patches to improve the build system.

> but does not recognize my dumps
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> afsdump_dirlist: Bad magic number in AFS volume dump Invalid page tag
> (41235) in page 0
> *** 1 errors
> *** FAILED: Bad magic number in AFS volume dump
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> My mistake ?

afsdump_dirlist operates on a file containing a directory as it appears on 
the wire (and, coincidentally, on the fileserver and in the cache).  It 
does not operate on whole dumps.  To get a listing of all the directories 
in a volume dump, try something like

afsdump_scan -Pvd <file>

-- Jeff