[OpenAFS-devel] OpenAFS and OpenSolaris
Klas Heggemann
Fri, 12 Jun 2009 16:52:51 +0200
12 jun 2009 kl. 15.55 skrev Jeffrey Altman:
> Klas Heggemann wrote:
>> Thanks. (One of these days I'm gonna start learning/using
>> dtrace ....).
>> As Jeffry Altman wrote, its the code in rx/SOLARIS/rx_knet.c that is
>> interessting.
>> dtrace show that the solookup routine fails, which is confirmed if
>> I add
>> extra
>> printf in the code. Seems like this route has changed and one need to
>> find out
>> how to adapt the code to these changes.
> solookup() on which name is failing?
It's failing because the routine has changed
It 's now
int solookup(int , int , int, struct sockparams **);
And socreate has changed to
struct sonode *socreate(struct sockparams *, int, int, int,
int, int *);
which means that the rx_knet.c has to adapt to this.