[OpenAFS-devel] Gerrit upgrade complete

Simon Wilkinson sxw@inf.ed.ac.uk
Fri, 23 Oct 2009 12:35:57 +0100

This morning's gerrit upgrade is now complete.

In addition to the feature changes I mentioned earlier, there are a  
couple of other modifications:

*) All git links from gerrit now point to git:// URLs, rather than SSH  
URLs, so they are accessible to users who haven't published SSH keys  
to the service.

And now, for the big change which I trailed. With this upgrade, gerrit  
moves towards using a SHA1 hash to identify individual changes. In  
order to achieve its full potential, this hash needs to be embedded  
into the commit message of the change, at the time you first commit  
it. This changeID should then remain, unaltered, in the commit message  
no matter how many times you modify and re-upload this change. Patches  
which are sent to refs/for/master which contain a changeID will  
automatically be directed to the relevant change in gerrit.

Gerrit provides a commit hook to simplify the process of creating  
change IDs - to install it, run

scp -P 29418 gerrit.openafs.org:hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/

whilst in the top level of your cloned repository

If you are modifying an existing commit, please do not alter the  
commit ID within it. If you are cherry-picking a commit from one  
branch to the other, you _must_ remove the changeID from the cherry- 
picked commit message.

See http://gerrit.googlecode.com/svn/documentation/2.0/user-changeid.html 
  for full details.

