[OpenAFS-devel] AFSDB (was [GSoC2010] the kafs project of OpenAFS)

Jason Edgecombe jason@rampaginggeek.com
Thu, 08 Apr 2010 20:02:59 -0400

Dale Pontius wrote:
> I work for a large multinational, and my CellServDB file, for lack of a
> better word - big.  Dozens of cells and well over 100 cell (not file)
> servers.  Can you describe a little better how the AFSDB records can be
> used to build a dynamic CellServDB structure, especially without picking
> up all of the non-Company afs cell servers from public dns?
For info on the AFSDB DNS records, look at

when you run "ls /afs", you see cells list in CellServDB and those which 
have been specifically queried.

In other words, if the example.com cell is not in CellServDB and has 
AFSDB records, then it won't appear in /afs until after you run "ls 
