[OpenAFS-devel] open issues for an openafs 1.8 branch
Benjamin Kaduk
Tue, 30 Sep 2014 21:06:59 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 30 Sep 2014, Chas Williams (CONTRACTOR) wrote:
> In message <542B1728.9060800@your-file-system.com>,Jeffrey Altman writes:
> >> http://www.openafs.org/no-more-des.html
> >
> >Unfortunately, the no-more-des.html announcement was before the issues
> >with IBM and the use of the Trademark were encountered. My
> >understanding is that the agreement requires support for the rxkad
> >protocol in shipped binaries and the provisioning of the kaserver as a
> >build option. Failure to include rxkad support means the
> >product/protocol cannot be called "AFS" or "AFS compatible". Failure to
> >provide the "kaserver" and related functionality as a build option is a
> >requirement of use of the "OpenAFS" name.
> I might parse this to mean that OpenAFS doesn't need to provide the pam
> modules then. The pam modules aren't pivotal to rxkad or the kaserver.
> Continuing to provide klog of course would be necessary though I gather.
I would support such an interpretation (not that it is my decision to
make, of course).