[OpenAFS] AFS > RH > 2.4.5?
Martin Schulz
06 Jun 2001 15:32:26 +0200
There were problems with the combination of smp and kernel 2.4. Don't
know the latest state of things, but we downgraded to 2.2.19 because
of these (client side-) instabilities.
Compiling from rpm is rather simple (all from the back of my mind):
rpm -I openafs.xxxx.src.rpm
cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
rpm -ba openafs-xxx.spec
If all went right, you'll then find the binary rpm's under
Martin Schulz schulz@iwrmm.math.uni-karlsruhe.de
Uni Karlsruhe, Institut f. wissenschaftliches Rechnen u. math. Modellbildung
Engesser Str. 6, 76128 Karlsruhe