[OpenAFS] OpenAFS How-to's anyplace ?

Sam Hartman hartmans@mekinok.com
07 Oct 2001 14:26:03 -0400

>>>>> "Morgan" == Morgan Henning <morgan@write-way.com> writes:

    Morgan> This leads to the big question: Where can I find
    Morgan> information on the steps necessary to set up a new server
    Morgan> ??  Is there a How-to ?  Is there a README someplace ??  I
    Morgan> checked out the README included with the source, and
    Morgan> didn't see anything but how to build/install the source.

There really isn't anything general yet, although I hope to be able to
help with this problem eventually.  Mekinok has a product (a free
prototype is available at http://www.boxedpenguin.com/) and has
integrated our AFS install procedures into Debian.  The Debian
packages contain an example that shows how to set up a simple AFS cell
and Kerberos realm.