[OpenAFS] AFS_Cache partition unmountable after AFS shutdown

Marc Schmitt schmitt@inf.ethz.ch
Thu, 06 Sep 2001 19:14:48 +0200

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Hi Jason,

[root@elliot /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs stop
Stopping AFS services.....
inetd.afs: no process killed
[root@elliot /root]# umount /.afs_cache
umount: /.afs_cache: device is busy
[root@elliot /root]# fuser -m /.afs_cache
[root@elliot /root]#
[root@elliot /root]# fuser /.afs_cache
No process references; use -v for the complete list
[root@elliot /root]# fuser -v /.afs_cache

                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
/.afs_cache          root     kernel mount  /.afs_cache


Jason Harper wrote:

>  What does "fuser -m /.afs_cache" say?  It should tell you the pids of
> all processes that are keeping the mountpoint busy...   Other than
> that, I dunno. :)Jason

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<tt>Hi Jason,</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>[root@elliot /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs stop</tt>
<br><tt>Stopping AFS services.....</tt>
<br><tt>inetd.afs: no process killed</tt>
<br><tt>[root@elliot /root]# umount /.afs_cache</tt>
<br><tt>umount: /.afs_cache: device is busy</tt>
<br><tt>[root@elliot /root]# fuser -m /.afs_cache</tt>
<br><tt>[root@elliot /root]#</tt>
<br><tt>[root@elliot /root]# fuser /.afs_cache</tt>
<br><tt>No process references; use -v for the complete list</tt>
<br><tt>[root@elliot /root]# fuser -v /.afs_cache</tt><tt></tt>
USER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; PID ACCESS COMMAND</tt>
root&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; kernel mount&nbsp; /.afs_cache</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Marc</tt>
<p>Jason Harper wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;<span class=115175816-06092001><font face="Arial"><font color="#0000FF"><font size=-1>What
does "fuser -m /.afs_cache" say?&nbsp; It should tell you the pids of all
processes that are keeping the mountpoint busy...&nbsp;&nbsp; Other than
that, I dunno. :)</font></font></font></span><span class=115175816-06092001></span><span class=115175816-06092001><font face="Arial"><font color="#0000FF"><font size=-1>Jason</font></font></font></span></blockquote>
