[OpenAFS] Problems after Linux kernel upgrade 2.2 -> 2.4

Cees de Groot cg@cdegroot.com
8 Jan 2002 02:55:14 +0100

Last week, I upgraded my kernel to 2.4 (SuSE 7.3 SMP kernel), and since then I
cannot run executables residing in AFS anymore. Whenever I call a program, 
like 'klog', the network monitor (I'm over a 64k dialup line) shows a bit of
activity, but quickly after that the process starts eating 99% CPU time:

 1259 root      15   0     8    8     0 R    99.9  0.0   3:44 klist

If I access the file a second time, everything hangs. I can open other
files, though (reading textfiles, walking the directory hierarchy, etcetera).

As I've had some problems with building multiple kernel variants of
libafs in a single source tree, I removed my build tree and started from
a fresh source tarball so I am pretty sure that I am running the correct
version of the libafs kernel module (how sensitive is libafs anyway
against mismatches between /usr/src/linux and the running kernel? I do have
a kernel source tree that results in the same system name and seems to have
the most important .config variables the same - is that enough or not?). Could
someone please give me a hint about what I'm doing wrong here?

OpenAFS 1.2.2
SuSE 7.3 with SuSE-supplied
kernel 2.4.10-64GB-SMP #1 SMP Fri Sep 28 17:26:36 GMT 2001 i686 unknown

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
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