[OpenAFS] afsmodname getting it wrong?

Matt Cocker matt@cs.auckland.ac.nz
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 08:13:13 +1200

Hi Derek

Sorry i may have wasted your time

> You don't say which particular kernel you are running.  You're running
> the 'smp' kernel?

I am testing it on a mix of UP and SMP  RH7.3 boxes with redhat kernel 
rpms 2.4.18-3 and 2.4.18-4 for both type of machine

>>iget4     smp_e0311e23  -       2.4.18-3-i686.mp
>> > sock_create=smp_083c8c04
>>iget4     smp_e0311e23  -       2.4.18-3
>> > sock_create=smp_083c8c04
> Hmm, I'm not sure what "2.4.18-3" is from.  I also notice that you
> don't have a .bm kernel.  Very odd...  I'm going to have to take a
> look at this.  Unfortunately I don't have a very good algorithm to
> decide which kernels to build.  The fact that iget4 and sock_create
> are the same for both kernels is also a problem, but I'd be interested
> to know why it's not working.
> Very odd indeed.

We are creating our own non-transarc rpms using your src.rpms as a base. 
We must have made a mistake in the modifications to the spec file 
because 2.4.18-3 not present in your rpms. Interestingly the md5sums of 
libafs-2.4.18-3.o and libafs-2.4.18-3-i686.mp.o are different

8140ce8849d461546bce9f61bc311a91  libafs-2.4.18-3-athlon.mp.o
dc34f2d32fd9bdd7ecf6cc5700c0b025  libafs-2.4.18-3-athlon.o
cf693d82d691d2a9d1a891ee0df7faf4  libafs-2.4.18-3-i386.mp.o
0b2b934807b3e903e403bd9a70fdb114  libafs-2.4.18-3-i386.o
30ea0bba3ca2a04b995fa554b49bea97  libafs-2.4.18-3-i586.mp.o
4ad4efbd623050c1ed8668bd4b5573c9  libafs-2.4.18-3-i586.o
ae180b7cd48eec9fa5c35c5a8e737dee  libafs-2.4.18-3-i686.ep.o
60bc4356570d301abcaa2200ed6ada0d  libafs-2.4.18-3-i686.mp.o
7eb59db048a9a861b99126ea6dcd90b3  libafs-2.4.18-3-i686.o
a48d826490ed486e9be7616aa2d19d42  libafs-2.4.18-3.o

>>This causes all sorts of problems when the libafs-2.4.18-3.o kernel
>>module tries to load. I fixed it by deleting the "iget4 smp_e0311e23
> Ok, what sorts of problems?

The module would load but it killed the networking. We had to reboot the 
machine with afs off

>>2.4.18-3" line. But is there a better way?
> Well, there shouldn't be a "2.4.18-3" line; I suspect that a patch I
> asked for 1.2.4 didn't make it into the 1.2.5 release -- I'll have to
> go take a look.

Our screw up I am afraid

>>Also on one machine there is no iget4 lines in /proc/ksyms
> Did you compile your own kernel on this machine?  It sounds like you
> recompiled a kernel without kernel symbols.

No it is a redhat kernel update (kernel-2.4.18-4.i686.rpm) for problems 
with ext3 in 2.4-18-3. Apparently there is a bug 
(http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=64838) in redhat 
kernel-2.4.18-4 which truncates the cat/grep output of /proc/ksyms (dd 
gets a full file output) and iget was one of the things lost. Fixed in 
2.4.18-5 rpms.

>>Again a manual edit of the init.d script fixes it.
> How did you edit the init script to fix this?

I just set LIBAFS=libafs-2.4.18-4-i686.o

