[OpenAFS] openafs-1.2.4 for macos-10.1

Ben Poliakoff benp@reed.edu
Fri, 24 May 2002 15:05:15 -0700

The new macos build:


doesn't match the md5sum at:


Additionally when I installed the package (before checking the md5sum of
course, like I should have...) I now see that afsd segfaults upon

    # /usr/sbin/afsd -stat 2000 -dcache 800 -daemons 3 -volumes 70 -rootvol root.afs.local
    Segmentation fault

Here's my uname -a output:

Darwin moyo 5.4 Darwin Kernel Version 5.4: Wed Apr 10 09:27:47 PDT 2002; root:xnu/xnu-201.19.3.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh powerpc

Anyone else seen this behavior?


Ben Poliakoff                                       email: <benp@reed.edu>
Reed College                                          tel:  (503)-788-6674
Unix System Administrator      PGP key: http://www.reed.edu/~benp/key.html
0x6AF52019 fingerprint = A131 F813 7A0F C5B7 E74D  C972 9118 A94D 6AF5 2019