[OpenAFS] OpenAFS on RedHat 8.0

Troy Dawson dawson@fnal.gov
Tue, 01 Oct 2002 09:41:45 -0500

I feel like someone doing a firstpost.
Has anyone been able to get the OpenAFS rpm's to compile and work on RedHat 8.0?
I have tried both OpenAFS 1.2.6 and OpenAFS 1.2.7, using the RedHat 7.3 .src 
rpm's.  After turning of the kerberos option in the spec file I was able to 
compile the rpm's, but for both of them, they wouldn't start and I got this 
same message in the /usr/vice/etc/modload/libafs.map


/usr/vice/etc/modload/libafs-2.4.18-14-i686.mp.o: unresolved symbol sys_call_table
Hint: You are trying to load a module without a GPL compatible license
       and it has unresolved symbols.  Contact the module supplier for
       assistance, only they can help you.


I have not yet tried compiling the source code directly from the source tar 
ball.  That will be my next step.  But I was wondering if there was something 
in the spec file that can be turned on or off to get this to compile 
correctly, or is it something in the kernel.

p.s. I left on the 'Hint' part for completeness.

Troy Dawson  dawson@fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/OSS  CSI Group