[OpenAFS] Problems in stopping the afs-client

Jim Rees rees@umich.edu
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 16:38:30 -0400

    Hmm. Clearly one of the base things with AFS is that all clients 
    must be working in sync between each other, and with the servers.

Yes, clearly.  That's why the usual case is that all servers and clients use
some other mechanism, usually ntp, to keep proper time.  In this case, afs
has no business fooling with the clock.  That's why the default should be

    It is true that other means may be used for syncronization, 
    but then two services (afs and, say, ntpd) should necessarily
    be maintained together instead of one (afs) on every host involved.

I strongly disagree.  If you are running two different time sync mechanisms,
and they agree, what's the point?  If they disagree, both will get confused
and nothing will work.

    If one starts to use ntpd on client and runs afsd with "-nosettime"
    (option normally used only on servers), then it is essential
    to make sure that servers run ntpd as well - which is not always
    the case.

If your servers have the wrong time, you should fix them.  Synchronizing
your clients to incorrect server time is wrong.  But if you insist on doing
this, just run afsd with -settime.