[OpenAFS] afs/nfs translator problem

Tim C. tim@umbc.edu
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 15:52:53 -0400 (EDT)

  I didn't get a chance to play with the 1.2.8 afs/nfs translator stuff
for solaris much, and I just tried it with 1.2.9, and I'm having a weird
problem I was hoping someone could shed some light on.

I have a "server" to server afs across nfs.  It's a solaris 2.9 box
running the 1.2.9 client with the nfs version of the kernel module.  I
export everything and go to a linux box running RH 7.1 with a 2.4.3-12
kernel.  I mount the filesystem to a directory on the client linux box,
and I cd to /mnt/afs/, I can do an ls.  I try cding to my own
cell(umbc.edu), and it hangs.  Also note that my "ls" is actually "ls
-F".  I'm running the server with the afsd options "-afsdb
-fakestat"(amoung others).  So I can see why I could stat umbc.edu and
not cd into it cause of the fakestat.
  Also, on the server, I'm getting these error messages:

afs: Lost contact with volume location server in cell qual.net
afs: Lost contact with volume location server in cell qual.net

  Now I have qual.net in my CellServDB file, but I don't have a mount
for it in root.afs.  I'm also not using -dynaroot.  And this is my
workstation that is the server, so I no that no one else is attempting
to access that server. :)

  So what I'm having trouble figuring out is why is the afs/nfs
translator hanging for a cell that isn't even mounted?

Thanks in Advance!

Tim Craig            These are my opinions and not my employers. :)
tim@umbc.edu         It's hard to be serious when you're
                       naked. - Garfield