[OpenAFS] verifying ro volumes are not taking up extra space

Lee Damon nomad@ssli-mail.ee.washington.edu
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 08:40:08 -0800

Lesson to be learned:  trust that people do vos releases, but verify.

Lesson to be learned: when you create and populate a volume, release
it before moving on to the next one.  If you don't the rw and ro
"shadow" will both take up a lot of space and you'll "run out" of
disk space quickly.

I have just run a loop through all of the rw volumes on the filesystem
in question.  Amazing reult: both fileservers have the same 60% full
rating on /vicepc now.

This was clearly a communication problem within the group here.  I
am sorry for wasting everyone's time with it.

 -----------                       - Lee "nomad" Damon -          \
work: nomad@ee.washington.edu                                      \
play: nomad@castle.org    or castle!nomad                           \
Sr. Systems Admin, UWEE SSLI Lab                                   /  \
                "Celebrate Diversity"                             /    \