[OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.2.10 & Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 beta (taroon)

Lee Damon nomad@ssli-mail.ee.washington.edu
Wed, 01 Oct 2003 10:04:33 -0700

[root@skif modload]# uname -a
Linux skif.ee.washington.edu 2.4.21-3.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Sep 19 14:06:12 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

I'm trying to compile kernel drivers for taroon.  Since it is based
(loosly?) on RH 9.0, I started by installing the 9.0 rpms for everything
including the 1.2.10 kernel source.  (I'd be thrilled if I could get
SRPMs so I can easily build the RPMs native on taroon.)

I then followed the usual steps:

cd /usr/src/openafs-kernel-1.2.10/src
./configure --enable-redhat-buildsys
make MPS="MP SP BM"

the make finished without error, resulting in three libafs-2.4.21-3
files that I then copied to /usr/vice/etc/modload.  However, when I run
afsmodname on them, it doesn't find any symbol references.

[root@skif modload]# ../afsmodname -f SymTable.local -g libafs*nikola*
Unable to find a suitable symbol reference in 2.4.21-3.EL.nikola.bm!
Unable to find a suitable symbol reference in 2.4.21-3.EL.nikola.mp!
Unable to find a suitable symbol reference in 2.4.21-3.EL.nikola!

The SymTable.local is, as one would expect, empty of anything except
comments.  Running the afs start script, again as expected, results in
no module being found.

Does anyone have any suggestions for resolving this problem?

 -----------                       - Lee "nomad" Damon -          \
work: nomad@ee.washington.edu                                      \
play: nomad@castle.org    or castle!nomad                           \
Sr. Systems Admin, UWEE SSLI Lab                                   /  \
                "Celebrate Diversity"                             /    \