[OpenAFS] Determining file ownership under Windows...

Rodney M Dyer rmdyer@uncc.edu
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 13:19:09 -0500


Is it possible to determine AFS file ownership under Windows?  It appears 
that this can't be done because the _stat function call only returns a 0 
(zero) UID for a file in AFS space.  Is this because Microsoft hardcoded it 
to work this way, or because the AFS client isn't providing the UID value 
to the _stat call?

I understand that Windows can't map the UID to a name because Windows 
doesn't use a passwd file.  So I was going to write a quick and dirty app 
to translate the UID via PTS.  I think tokens works this way?  It would be 
nicer for Windows users if there was a "fs listowner" or fs lo command...a 
