[OpenAFS] OpenAFS & Linux kernel 2.6: please have a trackable bug report / task ?

Timothee Besset ttimo@idsoftware.com
Thu, 19 Feb 2004 16:28:30 +0100

I remained silent hoping that sanity would prevail, but it seems it's
not gonna happen. Arguing that Kernel 2.6 can't be supported *at all*
just because the OpenAFS people don't want to ask their users to
recompile their kernel is utterly absurd. 2.6 is still in it's early
days, if some patching is required to leverage 2.6 support, then so be it.

If you don't want to recompile and tweak, stick to a 2.4 kernel. I use a
Linux distribution ( Debian ) which makes it a breeze to compile and run
your custom kernels ( with kernel-package and make-kpkg ). The 2.6 issue
is going to get worse and worse over time, so better get moving now. In
one year from now it will be like saying "AFS only runs on Kernel 2.2
and everyone has 2.4 .. too bad!".

I don't want to sound like I'm flamming or anything, but it's sad to see
a project have it's technical decisions governed by the lowest skills
set of it's user base (aka I can't compile my own kernels).
