[OpenAFS] Re: windows client and Office2003 issues

matt cocker matt@cs.auckland.ac.nz
Fri, 23 Jul 2004 12:08:24 +1200

Jeffrey Altman wrote:

> What version of OpenAFS?

Sorry 1.3.65 and very small documents of maybe one letter an up.

> There used to be a problem with large Office documents of about 50mb or so.
> I do not know whether or not this problem may have been solved in the last
> couple of days with the addition of CIFS Remote Administration Protocol to
> the AFS SMB/CIFS server.   1.3.70 will ship with this support on Tuesday.

We will try that ASAP and let you know. We have a work around for now so 
we can wait.

> What do you think is wrong with openafs-info?
> Jeffrey Altman
No posts to web archive page or email since 19th. Not sure if it is just 
me or more wide spread.

