Re[4]: [OpenAFS] afsd: Can't mount AFS on /afs(22)

Ron Croonenberg
Sun, 14 Nov 2004 16:46:37 EST

>Well, first, you shouldn't have removed the 1.2.11 RPMs; you should have just
>upgraded from the previous version to the new version.

Well...something wasn't right with that installation.  So I decided to remove things and start over

>The size of the CellServDB seems suspicious to me.  It's definitely not the
>distributed version.  Make sure that ThisCell shows up in your CellServDB, and
>that you've properly configured the cell's root.afs and root.cell volumes.

correct,  I used the one with just the entry for my cell instead of everyone elses cells.

>At this point it is 100% a configuration issue.  (I consider the
>root.afs/root.cell setup "configuration" ;)

right...  So let's see.  If I want to delete everything so I can start from scratch.
So I uninstall the rpm's and delete all afs directories and config files ?



>       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
>       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
>       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
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 Ron Croonenberg                     |  Phone: 1 765 658 4761
 Technology Coordinator              |  Fax:   1 765 658 4732
 Department of ComputerScience       |  e-mail :
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