[OpenAFS] OpenAFS Server - Windows XP Pro
Sherman Wilcox
Sun, 27 Nov 2005 13:09:25 -0600
First question is whether or not OpenAFS Server is stable when running on
Windows XP Pro. That is, is OpenAFS server for Windows ready for prime
time? I ask because I can't seem to get it configured properly using the
'Server Configuration Wizard'. Everything seems to install OK but the
wizard crashes very consistently when I run it.
The PC is a dual Xeon Dell running Windows XP Pro. I just patched
everything this morning via windowsupdate.microsoft.com. There's really
nothing special or out of the ordinary about this box. In fact, I've tried
to install OpenAFS server on several Dell PCs without success. Rather,
I've tried to run the configuration wizard unsuccessfully. I've tried this
on about three PCs without success. These computers are not part of a
Windows domain, they're just stand-alone boxes.
I'm installing OpenAFS 1.4.0, the Windows MSI version using an
administrator account. My test bed PC has two hard drives. The first one
(C:) is the primary OS drive. The second drive is reserved totaly for
OpenAFS. I've formatted this drive with a single NTFS partition (approx.
230 GB) and assigned a drive letter (D:) to it. The D: drive has no data
on it other than the "System Volume Information" folder.
When I installed OpenAFS I disabled integrated security and AFS crypt
security. I enabled freelance mode as well as Lookup cells in DNS. When I
run the "AFS Server Quick Start Wizard" I make the server the first server
in a new AFS cell. I enter a cell name and assign the AFS and the admin
account a password. I chose to make this server a "Backup Server". When
the wizard asks me which drive to place an AFS partition I select the D:
drive. However, the wizard does indicate that the D: drive does have data
on it. Anyway, I select D: as the partition which assigns the AFS
partition name as /vicepd. I configure the server as the "System Control
OK, so I come to the end of the wizard and click the "Configure" button
and then the wizard crashes with 65% left. The error is:
"Error: server or network not responding (0xFFFFFFFF)"
This error occurs right AFTER the wizard sets the ACL on root.afs.
Here are some screenshots of the errors as well as the error log:
If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them.