[OpenAFS] Problems installing openafs 1.4.4 on SuSE 10.1

alandhae@gmx.de alandhae@gmx.de
Fri, 6 Apr 2007 18:39:14 +0200 (CEST)

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Hi everyone out there,

as a complete (open)afs and kerberos newbie I'm required to setup an 
openafs Server for research purposes.

on my X86 Server 2 Xeon CPU 3.1 GHz 2GB Memory running SuSE 10.1

I did a 

./configure --with-afs-sysname=i386_linux26 --enable-transarc-paths  

make and make install.

I proceeded as it was described in the documentation 


I've managed to create the kernel modules and all the daemon instances.

The kernel module wasn't placed into the correct location


but on 


no big deal, just moved the Module to the correct location.

Another problem, to which I didn't find an anwer. The documentation often 
states to copy file from /cdrom, those pathes usually don't exist in the 
unpacked source where I have compiled from.

Also even when trying to find the correct startup files, the afs start 
doesn't start the needed and created deamons. 

Are there any hints for a more recent documentation, so a newbie could 
setup an afs servr using kerberos 5 as authentication.

	Thanks for the help


Andreas Landhäußer		      T-Systems Solutions for Research GmbH
+49 551 709-2379 (fax -12379)	      Bunsenstr. 10
Andreas.Landhaeusser@t-systems.com    37073 Göttingen
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