[OpenAFS] max afs partition size

sabah salih sabah@hep.man.ac.uk
Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:18:38 +0000 (GMT)

  Dear Jeffrey,
 	Thank you ever so much for your fast respond.
  Is that mean I can not use the rest of the "5.4 TB" ?
  If what I can see is just a report and not somthing
  I have to worry about. This will be good news.

  Thanks, Sabah.

On Mon, 14 Jan 2008, Jeffrey Altman wrote:

> My guess is that 5.4TB is larger than the maximum partition size that can be 
> reported in DiskPartitionStats and you are therefore seeing a partition used 
> calculation that is inaccurate.
> The DiskPartitionStats for free blocks, usable blocks, etc. are reported
> as a 32-bit signed integer with a block size of 1K.  Effectively anything 
> larger than 2TB is going to give inaccurate results.
> A 5.4TB partition will therefore appear to be a 1.4TB partition which is what 
> you see reported below.
> Jeffrey Altman
> Secure Endpoints Inc.
> sabah salih wrote:
>>   Dear All,
>>         I have a 5.4 TB fileserver. running
>>   OpenAFS 1.4.4
>>  rxdebug -version afs6
>>  Trying (port 7000):
>>  AFS version:  OpenAFS 1.4.4 built 2007-06-07 (1.4.4-46.SL4@yort.fnal.gov)
>>  df -h /vicepc
>>  Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>>  /dev/sdb              5.4T  1.2T  4.1T  23% /vicepc
>>  I wont to make use of the 5.4 TB in one partition.
>>  When I installed the server I thought I have done it.
>>  However I did "fs lq" today and saw this
>>  fs lq /afs/hep.man.ac.uk/u/sabah
>>  Volume Name                   Quota      Used %Used   Partition
>>  sabah                      12000000  10272814   86%         93%
>>  which shaw that "93%" of the partition is been used. However this is
>>  not true as the "df" output showes only 1.2 TB been used.
>>  vos part afs6
>>  Free space on partition /vicepa: 9545880 K blocks out of total 9568420
>>  Free space on partition /vicepb: 19091936 K blocks out of total 19137032
>>  Free space on partition /vicepc: 100447752 K blocks out of total
>>  1351294948
>>  I do not know how to fix this please.
>>  Please help.
>>  Many thanks, Sabah.
>>  *********************************************************
>>  *    From Sabah Salih                *
>>  *    The School of Physics and Astronomy,        *
>>  *    The University of Manchester,            *
>>  *     Schuster Laboratory,                *
>>  *    Brunswick Street,                *
>>  *    Manchester M13 9PL.                *
>>  *     Tel: +44 1612754171 or  x4171            *
>>  *     E-mail: sabah.salih@manchester.ac.uk        *
>>  *                            *
>>  *********************************************************
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*	From Sabah Salih				*
*	The School of Physics and Astronomy,		*
*	The University of Manchester,			*
* 	Schuster Laboratory,				*
*	Brunswick Street,				*
*	Manchester M13 9PL.				*
*     Tel: +44 1612754171 or  x4171			*
*     E-mail: sabah.salih@manchester.ac.uk		*
*							*