[OpenAFS] pts: Permission denied ; unable to create user admin

Hartmut Reuter reuter@rzg.mpg.de
Tue, 19 Oct 2010 12:59:25 +0200

You are probably creating a new cell, right?
If so, you may run "bos setauth localhost -authrequired off -localauth" on your 
database server(s).

If you do that in a living cell it's a security risk, off course.

With "bos setauth machine -authrequired on " you can then go back to the secure 

Hartmut Reuter

fosiul alam wrote:
> He every one,
> I need help to solved this issue
> I am following bellow link to afs server
> http://docs.openafs.org/QuickStartUnix/ch02s15.html
> I believed i followed every steps
> but when i am trying to create user
>   pts createuser -name admin -noauth
> pts: Permission denied ; unable to create user admin
> i cant create user admin
> What i am missing ??
> I was comparing with another website.. where i saw few commands are
> different then openafs website
> example :
> http://redflo.de/tiki-index.php?page=Configure+AFS+Server
> bos createdopey.redflo.de  <http://dopey.redflo.de>  buserver simple /usr/lib64/openafs/buserver -cellredflo.de  <http://redflo.de>  -noauth
> bos createdopey.redflo.de  <http://dopey.redflo.de>  ptserver simple /usr/lib64/openafs/ptserver -cellredflo.de  <http://redflo.de>  -noauth
> bos createdopey.redflo.de  <http://dopey.redflo.de>  vlserver simple /usr/lib64/openafs/vlserver -cellredflo.de  <http://redflo.de>  -noauth
> but openafs documentation say :
> **    # ./bos create<machine name>  buserver simple /usr/afs/bin/buserver  -noauth
> # ./bos create<machine name>  ptserver simple /usr/afs/bin/ptserver -noauth
> # ./bos create<machine name>  vlserver simple /usr/afs/bin/vlserver -noauth
> So openafs website does not use -cell cellname paremeter ..
> anyway .. i know what ever in openafs website have to true.
> so can any one please tel me what i am doing wrong ??
> thanks for your help and patiences
> Fosiul
> *
> *

Hartmut Reuter                  e-mail 		reuter@rzg.mpg.de
			   	phone 		 +49-89-3299-1328
			   	fax   		 +49-89-3299-1301
RZG (Rechenzentrum Garching)   	web    http://www.rzg.mpg.de/~hwr
Computing Center of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) and the
Institut fuer Plasmaphysik (IPP)