[OpenAFS] More file corruption with disconnected mode

Olin Shivers olin.afs.7ia@shivers.mail0.org
Thu, 02 Sep 2010 21:24:13 -0400

As described in my "problems with disconnected mode" message,
I'm running
    openafs client 1.5.75-2~ppa0~lucid1
    openafs server 1.4.12+dfsg-3
on a pair of unbuntu 10.4 Lucid Lynx systems. I'm trying out
disconnect-mode operation. 

Alas, even simple tests seem to blow the system up, introducing
corruption into my files. Below is an example transcript showing
how I have written data into files and gotten back bogus bytes.

Has anyone else had any luck with disconnected mode?

Start on laptop client:

    # cd /afs/shivers.com/user/shivers/
    # echo foo >test1

Then move to server (which is also a client):

    # cat /afs/shivers.com/user/shivers/test1

Back on laptop:

    # fs discon offline
    Discon mode is now "offline"
    # echo foobar > test1
    # cat test1
    # fs discon online
    Discon mode is now "online"

Back on server:

    # cat /afs/shivers.com/user/shivers/test1


Still on server:

    # fs flushvol /afs/shivers.com/user/shivers
    # cat /afs/shivers.com/user/shivers/test1


Now back on laptop client:

    # cat test1
    foob# ls -l test1
    -rw-r--r-- 1 shivers shivers 4 2010-09-02 21:05 test1
    # fs flushvol .
    #  cat test1
