[OpenAFS] backup: Syntax error in dump schedule file

Georg Sluyterman georg@sman.dk
Tue, 06 Nov 2012 23:57:46 +0100


I am trying to set up backup with OpenAFS.

The AFS-servers are running Debian Squeeze (amd64) with OpenAFS
The host that I am running butc and the backup command on is a Debian
Squeeze (mibs) with OpenAFS

First i tried to use the interactive mode for adding the first level in
the backup hierachy:

# backup -localauth
backup> adddump -dump /testfull expires in 27d
backup: Created new dump schedule /testfull
FindDump: expires, error in dump name specification
backup: Invalid path name 'expires'
FindDump: in, error in dump name specification
backup: Invalid path name 'in'
FindDump: 27d, error in dump name specification
backup: Invalid path name '27d'

I thought the syntax was correct (it looks like what I could find in the
documentation) but apparently I am wrong :).

Then I tried, using command line arguments, to add some more levels:

# backup adddump -dump "/testfull/sat0 expires in 13d" -localauth
backup: Created new dump schedule /testfull/sat0 expires in 13d
backup: waiting for job termination
# backup adddump -dump "/testfull/sat0/sun1 expires in 13d" -localauth
backup: Syntax error in dump schedule file, line is: /testfull/sat0
expires in 13d any 0 0
# backup listdumps -localauth
backup: Syntax error in dump schedule file, line is: /testfull/sat0
expires in 13d any 0 0

backup: Internal error ; Can't retrieve dump schedule
# echo $?

Trying to delete it is also unsuccessful:

# backup deldump -dump "/testfull" -localauth
backup: Syntax error in dump schedule file, line is: /testfull/sat0
expires in 13d any 0 0

backup: Internal error ; Can't retrieve dump schedule
# echo $?

If it helps in any way I get the following when looking at a copy of the
Backup Database:

/tmp# grep --binary-file=text testfull bdb.DB0
/testfull/sat0 expires in 13d any 0 0
/testfull/sat0 any 0 0
/testfull any 0 0
/testfull/sat0 any 0 0
/testfull any 0 0

What did I do wrong to get the syntax error (and what should I have done
instead of)?

What do I do from here? E.g. how do I delete the entry in the database,
so I can start again and hopefully succeed in setting up the backup?


Georg Sluyterman