[OpenAFS] status/progress for vos move?

Rich Sudlow rich@nd.edu
Mon, 22 Apr 2013 14:34:34 -0400

On 04/22/2013 02:21 PM, hozer wrote:
> So it seems pretty easy to get a 'worst case', based on total volume
> size.
> But is there any way to know (and give the user an option to cleanly
> cancel) if you are going to start a vos move that's going to take 3
> days?

Are you using volumes > 2 TB?
In general killing a move is the last think you want to do.

> I'd like to have a halfway reasonable estimate on how long a partial
> release is going to take before committing to doing it. (yes, this
> requires at least a guess on server-to-server bandwidth)

The server bandwidth is easy to figure - the contents of the volume are
much harder (impossible) to calculate - although you can also make some
guesses based on the number of files in the volume.  For "normal"
volumes we generally appromimate 200 GB/hr -

however for volumes with tens of millions of small files it will
be significantly slower -

another thing that will throw your estimate off 25 - 30%
is the the hardware being used.
e.g. solaris zfs vs linux with a good raid controller.


> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 02:02:25PM -0400, Derrick Brashear wrote:
>> Part of the problem is unless you're doing a full release, you can only
>> know how much data got transferred, not how much is left.... unless you
>> pre-run to generate
>> an estimate with vos size.
>> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 1:10 PM, hozer <hozer@hozed.org> wrote:
>>> Is there any way to get something like what
>>> 'rsync --progress' does with vos move?
>>> If not, then what code do I change, and will
>>> this require a protocol change, or can this
>>> be done with the existing vos-to-server
>>> communication RPCs?
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Rich Sudlow
University of Notre Dame
Center for Research Computing - Union Station
310 West South St
South Bend, In 46601

(574) 631-7258 (office)
(574) 807-1046 (cell)