[OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.6.5 on OSX

Jack Hill jackhill@jackhill.us
Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:42:20 -0400 (EDT)

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On Mon, 27 Apr 2015, Jeffrey Altman wrote:

> On 4/27/2015 7:13 AM, Jack Hill wrote:
>> http://www.openafsfoundation.org/docs/openafs-foundation-ibm-trademark-a=
> The agreement that was posted to the OpenAFS Foundation web site is not
> the "AFS" trademark agreement, it is the "OpenAFS" trademark agreement.
> That agreement is specific to the Foundation being permitted to
> incorporate using the "OpenAFS" name.   The Foundation web site states
> that this agreement was between IBM and the original board members and
> the rights were then transferred to the Foundation.  However, I do not
> see anything posted to the site that actually performs that transfer of
> rights.

Thanks Jan and Jeffrey for your replies. Keeping this in mind and=20
re-reading the agreement I found a key sentence, "=E2=80=A6to use the Marks=
part of The OpenAFS Foundation name."

> The "AFS" trademark agreement is different.  It is an agreement that
> specifies what protocol requirements exist to use the "AFS" mark (or a
> derivative) for software.

Is this agreement still secret? What work needs to be done to get it=20

Perhaps this is premature, but would OpenAFS consider chaining its name to=
avoid such restrictions?
