[OpenAFS] backup: Volume name is illegal ; Failed to evaluate volume set

Stephan Wiesand stephan.wiesand@desy.de
Tue, 4 Aug 2015 13:02:32 +0200


> On 04 Aug 2015, at 11:29, Gunnar Krull <gklists@cs.uni-goettingen.de> =
> Yesterday I upgraded the OpenAFS packages on our servers running =
Debian Wheezy from 1.6.9-1~bpo70+1 to 1.6.13-1 (compiled and build from =
sid source).
> Since then the backup command stopped working with an error, e.g.:
> # /usr/sbin/backup dump -volumeset coursebackup -dump /aug
> Starting dump of volume set 'coursebackup' (dump level '/aug')
> backup: Volume name is illegal ; Failed to evaluate volume set
> The backup volume set looks like this:
> backup> listv
> Volume set coursebackup:
>    Entry   1: server .*, partition .*, volumes: course\..*\.backup
> Everything else seemed to be okay, no problems with fileservers and =
volume servers.
> Now, I've gone back to the old version, installing the 1.6.9 packages. =
With this version the backup is working again.
> Any idea what could cause the error in the latest version?

it's a known regression introduced with commit =
63087b338e3d0fbbb26ee183a039052bf07aaaec  in 1.6.13. An alternative =
solution is being worked on in http://gerrit.openafs.org/1196{7,8,9} and =
should be released soon.

The changes will need some tweaking when applied to 1.6.

Thanks for the report.

- Stephan