[OpenAFS] OpenAFS client softlockup on highly concurrential file-system patterns (100% CPU in kernel mode)

Ciprian Dorin Craciun ciprian.craciun@gmail.com
Mon, 25 Nov 2019 11:52:27 +0200

On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 2:53 AM Benjamin Kaduk <kaduk@mit.edu> wrote:
> > * I suspect that perhaps the issue is due to the latest kernel version,
> > because I have run similar patterns a few weeks ago on an older kernel (but
> > still from the `5.x` family), but can't say for sure;
> I see the diagnostics and further data points later in the thread, but are
> you in a position to boot an older kernel to attempt to confirm/refute this
> hypothesis?

The issue was on my personal laptop, thus I can try to install an
older kernel and retry.

(However looking at the OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, a rolling release, I
think I'll have a hard time finding an older kernel...)

I'll report back if I manage to do this.
