[OpenAFS-port-darwin] Root Parition Help

Thomas Kula kula@tproa.net
Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:55:33 -0500

On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 08:50:42PM -0700, Leon Hoang wrote:
>    So,  I'm  wondering  how  other  Mac  OS  X  users  set  up their root
>    partition.   Do  I  somehow  have  to  change  the  mount  point  from
>    /Volumes/vicepa  to  /vicepa,  and  how  would  I  do  so?  Is using a
>    directory /vicepa not acceptable alternate?

You can use a directory if you touch /vicepa/AlwaysAttach
When I was testing this out, I simply did:

 ln -s /Volumes/vicepa /vicepa
 touch /vicepa/AlwaysAttach

If you look in the -devel archives you'll find other things
that might be useful: telling Finder to not put the 
/Volumes/vicepa drive on the desktop, or telling OS X to
mount the partition where you want it instead of at

Thomas L. Kula | kula@tproa.net | http://kula.tproa.net/
Mathom House upon the Canw, The People's Republic of Ames