[OpenAFS-devel] File copying

Sam Hartman hartmans@mit.edu
06 Jan 2001 14:55:56 -0500

>>>>> "Chaskiel" == Chaskiel M Grundman <cg2v+@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:

    Chaskiel> Excerpts from internet.computing.openafs.devel:
    Chaskiel> 5-Jan-101 Re: [OpenAFS-devel] File co.. by Sam
    Chaskiel> Hartman@mit.edu
    >> If you do this, consider the implications for RXKAD3, where
    >> servers will have individual keys.  Be prepared to address how
    >> servers determine the copy is authorized.
    Chaskiel> Since when will rxkadv3 require individual server keys?
    Chaskiel> The problem of the "are we using krb4 and fcrypt or krb5

If you are using GSS (which is distinct from krb5 and GSS; there are
good techntical reasons not to assert krb5 specific gss support), then
you want to minimize manual handling of the gss names as you can't
really portably do much with them.  This mostly forces eachs server
into its own security domain.