[OpenAFS-devel] AFS_LINUX_ENV undefined, was Kernel 2.4.0 Oops when afs is shutting down

Derek Atkins warlord@MIT.EDU
19 Jan 2001 12:47:47 -0500

Michael Pronath <michael.pronath@gmx.de> writes:

> There is never AFS_LINUX_ENV defined, there's only AFS_LINUX20_ENV,

Oh, right.. AFS_LINUX_ENV was my construct, and Transarc didn't copy
that when they re-ported.  Ah, well..  You can safely use
"AFS_LINUX20_ENV", which should be defined in all cases.

> AFS_LINUX22_ENV or AFS_LINUX24_ENV.  But strange: In src/afs/afs_osi_pag.c
> there is an #ifdef that checks for AFS_LINUX_ENV.  I guess there is code in
> afs_osi_pag.c that should be included for Linux machines, but actually
> isn't, because AFS_LINUX_ENV is not defined on Linux machines.
> Could somebody knowing what's going on in afs_osi_pag.c have a look at line
> 276, if this shouldn't rather read AFS_LINUX22_ENV || AFS_LINUX24_ENV
> instead?

Um, yea, this should really be changed to AFS_LINUX20_ENV..  Either
that or we should get the old AFS_LINUX_ENV back again.  This is just
a safety check to prevent the kernel from potentially crashing in the
case when you do not have a PAG and you have less than two groups.
So, yea, we probably want to fix this. :)

> Michael


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available