[OpenAFS-devel] openafs-kernel-sources rpm problem
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 11:33:31 +0100 (MET)
I just did rpm -ihv openafs-kernel-sources-<version>.rpm
(i needed to compile the kernel module for a new kernel,
and after solving this problem if worked very well)
but since /tmp was full the command did not work, but instead
of writing a comment about the problem and stopping the process
in a nice way, it just keeps wating... ; then i tried to remove some
old files from /tmp but i found no change, then i did a kill -9
of the rpm -i proccess but it failed and i finally had to reboot
the machine to be able to use again the rpm command,
I think most of RPMs check the disk space available before
installation in order to avoid this kind of problems,
... but now i realize that probably the problem does not come from your
openafs RPM but from the rpm command itself..
Mensaje citado por: Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>:
> I dont understand the problem. Are you trying to rebuild the rpm
> from the SRPM? Or are you trying to install the RPM? Or are you
> trying to build the sources from the openafs-kernel-source RPM?
> I can't tell what you mean from your email.
> -derek
> rmarco@ifca.unican.es writes:
> > Hello,
> > I apologise if i am sending this email to a wrong email list,
> > I had a little problem with openafs-kernel-source rpm package for
> redhat 8.0.
> > It seems it is not checking the disk space free on /tmp, and when /tmp
> > is full it is not able to complete the installation and the rpm does
> not
> > work until rebooting (probably due to a lock problem).
> > Please redirect the email to the person responsible for rpm building,
> > thanks and best regards, Rafa
> >
> > Rafael Marco de Lucas
> > Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria
> > email: rmarco@ifca.unican.es
> > Tel. +34 942 201413 Fax. +34 942 201402
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
> Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
> URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
> warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available
Rafael Marco de Lucas
Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria
email: rmarco@ifca.unican.es
Tel. +34 942 201413 Fax. +34 942 201402
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