[OpenAFS-devel] OpenAFS 1.3.74 on AIX - authenticated access causes system dump on 32 bit kernel, cfgexport64 fails on 64 bit kernel

Harald Barth haba@pdc.kth.se
Tue, 07 Dec 2004 17:41:05 +0100 (MET)

> For one thing, the patch to Makefile.in now prevents src/tsm41 and hence 
> afs_dynamic_auth and afs_dynamic_kerbauth from being made, so that 
> integrated login via /usr/lib/security/methods.cfg wouldn't be able to 
> work anymore.

We took out the tsm41 stuff because we wanted to concentrate on other
problems. Now back in. Does the tsm41 stuff work? Why does integrated
login depend on src/tsm41? That seems strange. But I am not a person
to argue on integrated login as all my login is integrated through
kerberos telnet. Only root logs in over my RS323 console and I want
to keep it that way.

> As an advantage of the patches, 'cfgexport64 -a export64.ext.nonfs' does 
> now work when using the 64-bit kernel. Unfortunately, though, klog keeps 
> dumping core and using a token from elsewhere keeps crashing the system. 
> This happens for both the 32- and 64-bit kernels.

I don't know anything about klog because I habe heimdal kerberos and use
the utilities from there to put tokens into the kernel.
