[OpenAFS-devel] Fully Functional Client on Linux 2.6
Alexander Boström
Mon, 05 Jul 2004 01:21:24 +0200
mån 2004-07-05 klockan 00.41 skrev Jeffrey Hutzelman:
> On Sunday, July 04, 2004 23:44:07 +0200 Tomas Olsson <tol@stacken.kth.se>
> wrote:
> > Besides, I'm not sure that patching the syscall table is all that
> > beautiful a practice.
> No, of course not. There should be a registration mechansim.
A generic registration mechanism was proposed and rejected in this
thread: http://seclists.org/lists/linux-kernel/2002/Oct/1158.html.
Did anyone even propose a patch that added a hook for the AFS syscall
The kernel developers decided that modules shouldn't register syscalls,
they should all be in the kernel at compile time. AFS didn't actually
need the syscall, so it went away, and no AFS-specific registration hook
was added to the kernel.