[OpenAFS-devel] aklog on MacOS X was Re: Service Ticket Questions

Franco Milicchio milicchio@dia.uniroma3.it
Tue, 21 Mar 2006 19:04:01 +0100

On Mar 21, 2006, at 03:22pm, David Botsch wrote:

>> (2) an AFS System Preferences tool which can be used to modify the
>> startup parameters for the AFS kernel module, probe the AFS Cache
>> Manager status, and configure the list of cells for which tokens  
>> should
>> be obtained when a kinit or login is performed.
> Doesn't currently integrate into system preferences, but, you can  
> upon the
> initial install of afs, set the cellname, cell alias, edit  
> CellServDB entries,
> and edit startup options.

I started a preference pane for OpenAFS client parameters (ThisCell,  
CellServDB, afsd parameters), modifying the StartupItem allowing on  
demand start and stop, not only at boot.

> afsinstall.app (should be called afsconfigure.app, but was  
> originally intended
> to be part of the afs installation package and run at that point).

The installation should add a line to /etc/hostconfig to set the  
default AFS start-at-boot flag (OPENAFS=-YES- or OPENAFS=-NO-), I  
will check this ASAP with the installer we have right now.

Franco Milicchio <milicchio@dia.uniroma3.it>

The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.
The pessimist fears it is true.      [J. Robert Oppenheimer]