[OpenAFS-devel] Re: OpenAFS 1.4.7pre1 Oops

Gautam Iyer gi1242@stanford.edu
Thu, 17 Apr 2008 19:11:18 -0700

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On Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 01:35:51PM +0100, Stefaan wrote:

> I can happily report that openafs-1.4.7_pre2 together with
> STABLE14-linux-flush-unlock-20080402 and
> STABLE14-linux-flush-compare-20080402 seems to work fine on my system.

I can happily report that openafs-1.4.7_pre3 works fine on my system on
both linux-2.6.24-gentoo-r5, *AND* 2.6.25 released today.

Thank you guys *so* *so* much for making this work!!


PS: Under two hours of testing so far. If something goes terribly wrong
    overnight, I'll post it.

Alternative definitions of terms from Math Lectures:
BY A PREVIOUS THEOREM: I don't remember how it goes (come to think of it
I'm not really sure we did this at all), but if I stated it right (or at
all), then the rest of this follows.

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