[OpenAFS-devel] Retiring the debian-i386 buildbot slave. Do we
need a replacement?
Garrett Wollman
Tue, 20 Jan 2015 18:57:12 -0500
<<On Tue, 20 Jan 2015 11:30:12 -0500 (EST), Benjamin Kaduk <kaduk@MIT.EDU> said:
> It would be nice to have a debian-based buildslave. (Is the one getting
> retired really running lenny like its info page says?)
> I will try to look into what options I have for hosting such a thing,
> though they may not be the most reliable of hosting options.
We could easily host this in our OpenStack infrastructure (we are
already doing so for the FreeBSD 10 buildslave) but it would be better
to have someone else who can set it up and give whatever management
TLC is required from time to time.
Our regular platform is Ubuntu and it would be slightly easier for us
to support various flavors of that.